You know that guy with the moving needle found on every piece of analog equipment, right? Well, that’s a VU meter. It’s one of the first devices introduced back in the analog days to measure and display the intensity of signal levels in audio equipment, making it possible for recording engineers to hit the recording …
Room acoustics are a curse for every single engineer. Your space may dramatically influence what’s coming out of your speakers, no matter how much you paid them. Having a super set of speaker won’t help that much if your room sounds bad, and if you can’t accurately hear what’s going on, you’ll have some hard times making …
The rooms we work in as home studio guys are far from being “acoustically perfect” or, most important in this case, soundproofed. Issues are everywhere: we are getting some unwanted reflections from our bare concrete walls and maybe we can hear that dog barking in the distance even if we live in a quiet place, …
I keep reading around of people asking which is the best plugin, which is the best effects chain or which plugin they should buy to make their mix super loud and competitive…and the list goes on. I have to confess that I fell in this trap as well some years ago… It’s an infinite loop: …
Pro Tools is a very powerful DAW, but it can be even more powerful if you get used to some keyboard shortcuts… Why? Because every operation you can do by using just your mouse, you can do much faster using a shortcut! There are tons of different key commands, but you don’t need to know them all …
It’s one of the most popular audio myths around and I’m sure you already heard about it… It goes like this: “You can’t master your own music in your home studio…To do some mastering works, you need a perfect environment filled up with huge speakers and tons of expensive gear! …and a set of golden ears …